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Steam and hot water boilers, modular boiler installations, boiler and auxiliary equipment, etc. BY BiKZ

More than 12 years NEW TECHNOLOGIES GROUP has been supplying steam and hot water boilers, modular boiler houses, draft machines, fans, smoke pumps, filters, salt dissolvers, atmospheric pressure daerators, deaeration columns, vapor coolers, hydraulic valves, heat exchange equipment, steam and water–water heaters, gas-oil burners, furnaces, fuel feeders, battery cyclones, ash collectors, steel flue pipes, air heaters, economizers, air collectors. Our extensive expertise and using components from leading manufacturers is the main reason why the customers choose us.
Product catalog PO BiKZ

About PO BiKZ

PO BiKZ (Biysk Boiler-building Plant, Biysk) is a leading enterprise in Russia for the production of steam and hot water boilers of medium and low power, boiler and auxiliary equipment for industrial energy. Impeccable quality, increased reliability, cost-effectiveness and efficiency with long service life – this is how you can characterize products according to BiKZ!
  • quality

    All types of work on BiKZ are licensed and performed by highly qualified, certified specialists.
  • warranty

    A warranty is provided for all supplied equipment by BiKZ.

    All BiKZ products are certified in accordance with GOST standards and safety standards.

PO BiKZ catalog

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant PO BiKZ: steam and hot water boilers, modular boiler houses, draft machines, fans, smoke pumps, filters, salt dissolvers, atmospheric pressure daerators, deaeration columns, vapor coolers, hydraulic valves, heat exchange equipment, steam and water–water heaters, gas-oil burners, furnaces, fuel feeders, battery cyclones, ash collectors, steel flue pipes, air heaters, economizers, air collectors
  • Steam boilers PO BiKZ
    Steam boilers
    E, DSE, DE, DQVr, K, etc.
  • Hot water boilers PO BiKZ
    Hot water boilers
    KVE, KV-GM, PTVM, KEV, KV-R, etc.
  • Modular boiler houses PO BiKZ
    Modular boiler houses
    MCU 0.4-17.5 MW, MCU 1.0-3.0 t/h, etc.
  • Traction machines PO BiKZ
    Traction machines
    VD, VDN, D, DN, etc.
  • Water treatment equipment PO BiKZ
    Water treatment equipment
    FIPa, FIPr, FM, FOV, VPU, YES, etc.
  • Fuel-burning devices PO BiKZ
    Fuel-burning devices
    GM, HMG, GMP, TR, TSHPM, PKK, etc.
  • Boiler and auxiliary equipment PO BiKZ
    Boiler and auxiliary equipment
    PTL, CB, ZU, TDS, TD, VP-O, EPS, etc.

Find your PO BiKZ product

Choose the most comfortable way to place your order or get information about the characteristics, prices and delivery terms.
  1. Quotation

    To see our prices get the quotation or an official offer for PO BiKZ products.

  2. Consultation

    Consult our specialists to get the most compatible and affordable PO BiKZ products.

  3. Analogs selection

    Send us the marking of the competitor’s products and we will offer the best PO BiKZ deal in terms of technical features and price.

  4. Order and delivery

    Inquire for invoice and Sales Agreement for companies and individual persons to buy PO BiKZ products.

Information Board PO BiKZ

Learn more about our products PO BiKZ.
  • Price list for products of the plant PO BiKZ
    Price list for products
  • Questionnaire for hot water boilers (gas) production ПО БиКЗ
    Questionnaire for hot water boilers (gas) ПО БиКЗ
  • Questionnaire for hot water boilers (unconventional fuel) in the store ПО БиКЗ
    Questionnaire for hot water boilers (unconventional fuel) ПО БиКЗ
  • Questionnaire for hot water boilers (coal) from directory ПО БиКЗ
    Questionnaire for hot water boilers (coal) ПО БиКЗ
  • Questionnaire for boiler steam (gas) supplier ПО БиКЗ
    Questionnaire for boiler steam (gas) ПО БиКЗ
  • Questionnaire for steam boilers (unconventional fuel) from manufacturer ПО БиКЗ
    Questionnaire for steam boilers (unconventional fuel) ПО БиКЗ
  • Questionnaire for steam boilers (coal) factory ПО БиКЗ
    Questionnaire for steam boilers (coal) ПО БиКЗ
  • Questionnaire steam MCU production ПО БиКЗ
    Questionnaire steam MCU ПО БиКЗ
  • Questionnaire plate heat exchangers in the store ПО БиКЗ
    Questionnaire plate heat exchangers ПО БиКЗ
  • Questionnaire for automation on site ПО БиКЗ
    Questionnaire for automation ПО БиКЗ


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